not nearly as lost

not nearly as lost
as i think i am
got friends, family, handholds to catch,
a hunger, a belly, and dinner from scratch
not nearly as dark
as i think i am
got sushine, horizon, a backbone, a mind
got water ahead and sandbar behind
got distance, got mileage, got easy direction
got rhythm and patience, got meter, inflection
not nearly as gone
as i think i am
got compass and highway,
got notes to a song
got metronome, handclaps, guitars all along
not nearly as cold
as i think i am
got blankets, and coffee,
and good arms to dive in,
invitations, footbaths, a car to arrive in
not loose
not distracted
broken down or impacted
not burning, not brittle,
not invisibly little,
not monstrous, malicious
not decidedly vicious
not window not wall
between shorelines
that's all

Maya Stein9 Comments