June 29, 2021

summer arithmetic

A volume of seawater, waded up to at the ankles, equals let’s take it slow. A ripe peach,
sliced into quadrants over a kitchen sink, equals there is more than enough. Kittens,
asleep on the shower tiles, equals listen to your body. The first of the tomato flowers
plus an afternoon downpour equals you are safe, my love. Sweat equals work times
patience. A blade of grass equal work times patience. Boats clustered in a makeshift
marina equals all is not lost. Sprinklers and Fiona equals the brief disappearance 
of worry. The neighborhood dogs times two or three equals you have not lost your touch.
Breakfast waffles plus or minus humidity equals stop feeling so guilty. A full moon
divided by four equals a full moon. Your father’s last birthday times time 
equals infinity.

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