August 6, 2024


“Natural Disasters Lead to Decreased Crime, Increased Philanthropy, Study Finds"
Source: The Weather Channel, February 23, 2021 

In the video, two women ferry a Doberman 
on a paddleboard down a street in Sarasota. 
Around the dog, a trio of garbage bags knotted loosely 
with red ties. The women wade hip-high through water. 
The dog watches something off-screen. It is, for a moment, 
windless. The women talk to each other as they push 
the board and the dog and the garbage bags, and the water 
makes wide circles around them, like halos. At the weather 
desk, the superlatives of cataclysm pitch at high volume. But here, 
the quiet amplitude of rescue, of something being saved.

Maya SteinComment